Retirement Plan Fiduciary Services
A Profound Experience for Your Employees
Many people have a healthy skepticism about people in our business. They always wonder “What’s in it for that guy to recommend this investment?”
Working with a qualified fiduciary means there are never commissions nor conflicts of interest. When a client understands this, the barriers to communication fade away. Recognizing we are on their side, they openly share challenges, concerns, and goals for retirement.
In our combined 34 years of experience, it is not uncommon to hear exclamations like, “I have been here forever and this is the first time I really understand our plan.” or, “I finally feel comfortable with what I am doing.”
Protection for Executives, Owners, and Boards of Directors
In addition to a better experience for your employees, Foster & Wood provides protection against unnecessary litigation against your retirement plan. ERISA responsibility for the selection of the investments offered to your employees flows ultimately to the Boards and owners of organizations. We serve all our plans as an ERISA 3(38) investment manager and sign all provider contracts on your behalf. This responsibility is shifted off your shoulders and onto ours.
Plan Design That Reflects Your Values and Goals
Foster & Wood can bring best-practice expertise, creating a retirement plan that adheres to all ERISA regulations and:
- Aligns with your company’s growth prospects
- Reinforces your company’s values
- Helps encourage your employees to be high achievers
- Helps to retain top performers
- Other parameters unique to your business or industry
High-Performance, Low-Cost Investment Options
At your plan’s onset and going forward, Foster & Wood develops prudent investment strategies that exceed ERISA’s prudence standards and are easy to understand regardless of employees’ previous investment experience.
Optimize Efficiencies
Foster & Wood develops retirement plans that operate with maximum efficiency. We look for opportunities to leverage technology and automation, reducing the time and effort required of your HR and payroll professionals to operate your plan.